Nursing Services
4 months ago
Our district employs three full time Certified School Nurses (CSN), as well as five licensed nurses who cover the health rooms in each building. Our health room nurses and CSNs provide daily medication administration, first aid and emergency services, as well as collaboration on student health conditions with medical providers, family and the school.
Our CSNs complete required screenings, teacher training, physicals, track immunizations, provide services to private/parochial schools, and handle day to day medical situations. All district nurses follow the nursing department standard operating procedures as well as both state and federal guidelines.
Please contact your student's building CSN with any information about:
- New medical diagnosis or allergies
- Medication changes
- Trips to the ER or Hospitalizations
- Injuries
- Surgeries
- Extended Medical Absences
- Any concerns as a parent or guardian regarding your students health
Our fulltime, Certified School Nurses, and their assigned buildings are listed below:
Ashley Rudolph, BSN, RN, CSN - Donegal Primary School and Donegal Junior High School
Phone: 717-492-1329
Stacie Randolph, BSN, RN, CSN - Donegal Intermediate School
Phone: 717-426-8086
Nicole Maynard, MSN, RN, CSN- Donegal High School
Phone: 717-492-1212