Mentor Information
a day ago
Interested in being a Mentor?
Mentors are volunteers in the Donegal Community who are committed to investing in the lives of students in the Donegal School District. Mentors are paired with a mentee and meet with their mentee once a week at school. For more information on how you can become a mentor contact either Tatiana Dueno at 717-492-1213 or or Mandy Sleighter at 717-426-8084 or
More information on what it is like to be a mentor:
To see how much mentoring impacts the lives of mentees:
Volunteer Packet information:
Connecting your child with a mentor
Mentors are community members who have volunteered to meet with their mentee once a week at school. Mentors build relationships with their mentees by talking with them, playing games with them and doing activities together. If you would like your child to be connected with a mentor, contact your child's school guidance counselor.
Donegal School District Social Work Services
School social workers serve as a connection between the school, the community, and our students and families. The school social worker helps remove barriers to education by connecting families: -Basic needs (food, shelter, clothing) -Mental health or drug and alcohol resources -Insurance -Attendance improvement -Parent and community involvement