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Tax Programs

The Donegal School District administers various taxes. Currently the District collects the following taxes:
Real Estate Tax - 19.5674 millage rate
Occupation Tax - $5.00 per person employed within the district
Real Estate Transfer Tax - 0.5%
Earned Income Tax - 0.5%
The Donegal School District annual census forms have been mailed. Forms should have been received mid March. Please return promptly. If you did not receive a form, please call the Census Office at 717-492-1310. Thank you.

Important Dates:  

Real Estate Tax bills issued


Full Payment Plan  
Discount due by     8/31/2024
Base due by  10/31/2024
Penalty due by 12/31/2024
Installment Plan  
1st Installment due by   8/31/2024
2nd Installment due by 
3rd Installment due by 12/31/2024
 Final due date to pay taxes

Please Note:  Due to changes made by the US Post Office, mail is postmarked the NEXT business day.  Please take this into consideration when mailing your payment.  If you don’t receive your tax bill(s) by mid-July or if you have any questions regarding these taxes, please contact the Tax Office at 717-492-1310.

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