3 days ago
Payment Methods:
- Mail your check payable to “Donegal School District” to P.O. Box 60968, Harrisburg, PA 17106, with the Tax bill payment stub.
- In Person: Payments may be made in person at the Elizabethtown Mid Penn Bank branch at 2305 S. Market Street, Elizabethtown, PA 17022. Tax bill payment stub is required.
- Electronic Payment Options (ACH, Credit and Debit card payments): To make an Electronic Payment, select "Electronic Payments" on Tax webpage. ADDITIONAL FEES of $1.50 per electronic check and 2.5% for Credit or Debit will apply. (Please make sure the correct amount is being paid based on the date you are entering the electronic payment.)
Installment Payment Option: If desired, installment payments may be made in three (3) equal installments using the base amount by paying the amount noted "1st Installment Due” by 08/31/2024. A coupon for the 2nd and 3rd installments will be mailed to you in September. The 2nd installment is due by 10/31/2024 and the 3rd installment is due by 12/31/2024. Discounts may not be taken for the installment payments, and a 10% penalty will apply if the 2nd or 3rd installments are late.
Due Dates: Payments must be post marked, paid in person or online, on or before the due dates noted for the option selected. Late payments, postdated checks or incorrect amounts will be returned to the sender. We regret that exceptions cannot be granted. Any taxes that remain unpaid as of 01/01/2025 must be considered delinquent and will be turned over to the Lancaster County Tax Claim Bureau for collection.
Mortgage Escrow: If your property taxes are paid by your mortgage company or bank, you must forward the enclosed bill to them immediately.
Change of Address: If the name or address on the bill is incorrect, contact the Lancaster County Assessor’s Office at (717) 299-8381. If you no longer own this property, please forward this bill to the new owner or return to Donegal School District as soon as possible.
Property Tax Rebate Program: If you are a senior citizen, widow/widower, or permanently disabled, you may qualify for a rebate depending on your income. For further information, contact the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue at 1-888-222-9190 or visit www.revenue.pa.gov.
Other questions concerning your tax bill may be directed to the school district’s tax office at (717) 492-1310. Thank you.