District Links
- AUP Policy
- 2024-2025 School Calendar & Handbook
- 2024-2025 Single-page Calendar
- 2025-2026 Single-page Calendar
- Student Registration (Final Forms)
- Donegal Foundation
- Health and Safety Plan
- Homelessness
- Employment
- Health Forms
- Lunch Menus
- Right To Know Office
- Scholarships
- Student Accident Insurance
- Student Chromebook Agreement
- Student Code of Conduct
- Ext/Co-Curr. Code of Conduct
- Tax Information
- Title IX
- Transportation
- Volunteer Information Package
- CHIP Flyer

Back to School Forms
Please create an account or log in to verify and submit your student's back to school forms here.
Final Forms is also where you will update any changes in information and upload the necessary documents to reflect those changes throughout the year.
Comprehensive Planning Survey Results
Review the results of our surveys, which included our students, their families, our staff and the community.
Click the link for the results: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ukrgfBQzLdLzqGUe1Q9P0E0mxts1UKwq/view?usp=sharing
Donegal Kindergarten Registration Mailing List for the 2025-2026 School Year
Did you miss the completion of your Census form this year and have a child that will be 5 on or before September 1, 2025? If so, please complete the form below to receive important updates regarding the kindergarten registration process and upcoming events.
Donegal Power Packs
Donegal Power Packs Project Summer Distribution is available for students enrolled in the district for the 2023 fall session. The program will begin June 15, 2023, and run through August 10, 2023. Families with students may enroll at any time during this period. See additional information and register using this link:https://tinyurl.com/DPPPSummer23
For any questions, or if assistance is needed, email:donegalpowerpacksproject@gmail.com.
March 13 Meeting of the Board of Directors
The March 13 meeting of the Board of Directors will be live-streamed via Zoom. Individuals who desire to address the Board of Directors must attend the meeting in person and abide by Board Policy 903. The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Donegal Primary School, Large Group Instruction Room.
*Please note: we will be using Teams for the online board meetings.
The link to the meeting is https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjgzMzcyYmQtYTg1NS00ZWFlLWI4MGQtZjE0ZmI1MDVkYjZk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ebeaaa5d-97d5-4028-8ed9-62736a24489b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2278ab4d63-3a2a-49b9-9ac4-d1831621cd60%22%7d
Who we are...
The Donegal School District is comprised of three unique communities: Marietta, Maytown and Mount Joy. While each community has its own special characteristics, when the three become one, an even stronger community exists. This is the Donegal School District.
Our school community takes great pride in our students and their accomplishments. It is through a high level of cooperation and collaboration that we are able to take three and become one. It matters not from where you come, once you get here, you understand the strength in being Donegal Proud!
The Donegal School District is a member of Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit (IU) 13. The District operates one high school, one junior high school and two elementary schools.
Vision Statement
Donegal SD Event Tickets
7 days ago